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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.0.1 Release: v1.0.1
    - Update ModulTester to use the `updateFilters()` Method
    - Change the usage of `Serial2` to `this->_uart` in `serialSend()`
  • v1.0
    b7359d2f · Update ·
    Release: v1.0
    # Features
    The library does provide a simple and secure way (error handling) of interacting with the Dorji DRA818X. All commands which are available for the module are implemented as methods:
    - Handshake
    - Frequency Scan
    - Update group settings
    - Volume
    - Filter
    For the group setting command and the filter command you will first need to set the given parameters with their corresponding setter methods. E.g. `setFrequency()`, `setRxFrequency()`, `setTxCTCSS()`, `setSquelch()`, `setEmphasisFilter()` and so on.
    The library also provides error handling for incorrect wirering, wrong parameters, etc.